
This website has been migrated to an MIT Physics Education Group page: https://peg.mit.edu/physics-machine-shops/

The Physics machine shops are open to Course 8 undergraduates and graduate students studying with the department of physics or an affiliated group, and faculty who want to use the shop for the purposes relating to education. We ask that anyone wishing to use the shop observe proper safety including participating in training or working directly with a shop supervisor. 

Location and Hours:

The Student Machine Shop is located at 6-214, next to the walkway to the second floor of 6C, and is available for supervised use by students and staff with appropriate training.

The shop is in a state of hibernation but is available, along with the "Faculty" Wood and Metal shops 6-210 and 6-212, on an ad-hoc basis for supervised work related to educational needs (Junior Lab projects, Physics Education Group UROP projects, physics staff/faculty projects) - or for borrowing tools.